Wednesday, May 11, 2011

on Manners

Recently I saw a post with a list of 15 points of etiquette people should teach their children.  The list contained gems like "knock on a door before opening it", "use a napkin", and "say thank you if someone does something for you".  The author of the post exclaimed that these simple manners also extend to adults.  I thought I'd add a few manners adults should definitely use:

1.  When getting to the top or bottom of an escalator, do not stop in order to chat, or decide which way to go.  Think about a direction prior to your landing.  This goes for elevators too.
2.  When you are pushing a stroller, especially a double or triple stroller, or a shopping cart, realize you may be blocking an entire aisle in the store and make sure to pull over.
3.  When you are at a red light, don't creep out into the intersection.  If you do creep out, then when the light turns green - GO, don't suddenly look down on the floor to find something.  This seems to be a trait specific to Clevelanders.
4.  Speaking of driving, Ohio law states if the power goes out, you are to treat the intersection like a four-way stop.  That doesn't mean you just continue to drive through regardless of the other streets.
5.  Don't eat with your mouth open, and don't smack your lips while eating.  I can't count the number of people I see and hear doing this.
6.  Don't play your music loudly with your windows open.  This goes double for when you are in your car.  You are not our personal D.J.
7.  Don't post anonymous "troll" comments on newspaper or other websites which are hateful or designed to rouse emotions.
8.  Don't take your babies to restaurants.  I know you want to go out, but so does everyone else.  You know your baby is going to cry at some point.  If you absolutely feel you must take your baby to a restaurant, then if it cries immediately take it outside.  The next time this happens I'm going to scream in your ear and see how you like it.
9.  Don't talk on your cell phone while in a public restroom.  There may be a slight chance the person at the other end doesn't know where you are, but it's just really disgusting. I will continuously flush the toilet, cough and make fart noises if I catch you doing it.
10. Don't use words like "synergistic", "paradigm", or phrases like "part of the conversation", or "human condition", they all make you sound like a douche, and you probably are.
11.  If you meet someone for the first time you can ask what they do for a living, but don't ask where they went to college, that's just pretentious.
12.  If you don't watch television, don't use the internet, aren't on Twitter or Facebook, don't look down on people who do; you're not that elite.
13.  Never, ever talk about yourself in the third person; Bud doesn't like it.  See how douchey that sounds?
14.  If there's a joke you wouldn't tell in front of someone of color, of a different religion or sexuality, then it's not an appropriate joke.  This isn't about being "politically correct", it's about you not being a bigot.
15.  Back to driving:  if you are at a red light, please use your turn signal to indicate which way you will be turning; don't wait until the light is green and then turn on the signal.  If you are turning right, don't wait until the light turns before you finally decide to turn; unless there's a sign prohibiting it, just turn and get the hell out of my way!

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